The FCC closed the public comment period on intrastate prison phone rates on December 20, 2013. We submitted the comments below and our New Jersey phone rates chart was included as Exhibit B (p.27) in the comments of the national advocacy groups representing Martha Wright, et al.
NJAID IRC Comment FCC Docket No. 12-375
National Comments on Intrastate Phone Rates by Advocates for Martha Wright
Reply comments can be submitted on the FCC website until January 13, 2014. Sending your comments is easy – just go to the FCC website page for submitting comments and click on “Submit a Filing” (if you want to upload a Word document) or “Submit a Filing (Express)” (if you want to just type a brief set of comments in) and reference Proceeding Number 12-375.
You can also look up other comments from the phone companies and others at the same docket number to see if there is anything you would like to reply to there.